A permanent structure that blends into your garden

  • Weathertight and thick walls for all year use
  • Built using traditional techniques and materials - built to last generations
  • You choose its use - outdoor retreat, dining space, playroom, studio, home office, whatever your needs
  • Complies with planning restrictions for outdoor structures

 Why Cob Little Roundhouses?

These roundhouses are built using cob - a material that has stood the test of time – the walls should last hundreds of years if not mistreated (faq 1). The size is governed by the roof height - the wider it is, the higher the roof.

Roundhouses built in this way have been well documented back to the iron age - whole settlements have been rebuilt using the original techniques - an example can be found at Butser.

The roof structure will be built using timber 'in the round' (ie original tree boughs not machine shaped) so they retain their inherent strength and charm - you will be looking at these inside details for years so it's a detail worth taking trouble over. The overhead space can also be used as storage.

Cob used to have dung incorporated into it, but you may be pleased to hear it is now widely recognised that straw, water and sand are the only additional ingredients required - so no worries about the smell inside your little round houses!

 Details of the Little Round House

They cost just £14,000 for one 12 feet wide - far less than a conventional extension yet will become a real asset to your home. They can be made larger - upto 16'6" and 15' high or stretched into an oval shape.

This price is for the complete structure with glazed hardwood doors - additional windows can also be incorporated. This includes thatching by a master thatcher with the option of personalising the roof capping. Provision can be made to run electricity into the roundhouse, but candlelight also works well. A small logburner or oven can also be incorporated for an additional cost. The roundhouse will sit on top of a stone foundation with a permanent limecrete insulated floor which could be underfloor heated.

Using native Wiltshire lime-rich cob they are weather resistant and can be easily colourer (and recoloured ) with tinted limewash. Inside and out will be professionally lime plastered, the inside could also be plastered using a ready coloured clay plaster - so you can choose a natural colour to suit your style. There is scope to personalise the look of the insides and outsides by plaster decoration and additions.

This is a custom made product that will take weeks to build - it cannot be 'knocked up' in a factory in days. It is designed to last decades not a few years like most flat packed wooden sheds. It will be built by Edward Scutt who has been restoring his old cob home and has the necessary skills and experience working with cob, wood and lime plasters to make a product guaranteed to last.

More details can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions page

What next?

Contact Edward Scutt for more details and arrange a site visit - 01722 790059 or email consult@limerestoration.co.uk (Great Wishford, Salisbury, Wiltshire).